Identity: Aftersun
25 March 2025
8:00 PM

United Kingdom, USA / 2022 / 102 min. / dir.: Charlotte Wells / audio: English / subtitles: Czech
Sometime in the 90´s, somewhere in a Turkish seaside resort, divorced young father Calum spends vacation with his almost teenage daughter Sophie. The father has an easygoing attitude – he doesn´t spoil any fun and he amuses himself by being considered to be the girl´s brother by the people around him. However, with all this he just covers up disturbing sense of melancholy.
The debut by Charlotte Wells feels like a childhood memory. It doesn´t need any pretentious gestures to capture intensive feelings. Thanks to it´s fragile impressive narration and stunning empathy, the film became a hit of many festivals including Cannes, Toronto and also Karlovy Vary.
The screening will be followed by a karaoke night!
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