

Total number of projects: 6

Current Projects

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TAČR project: Relational database, map projections and data visualisation used for promotion, education and support of turism - implementation on the case of Zlin film culture

The project intends to produce unique innovative database, specialized maps and visualizing applications, all of which will present the history of the location and institutions. The complex example of cinema culture in Zlín makes it possible to test the research tool by a wide scale of visualisations and data filters for different addressee. The research will be implemented through a complex database of individuals, architectural objects, or technical equipment which were a part of an actor network. The project is based conceptually on Actor-Network-Theory, applies knowledge of digital humanities, philosophy of science, ethnohistory and cultural history. The project will provide areconstruction of actor-network for the purpose of education, tourism, and cinema industry. 

ETA GAČR project: Animation Studios in Gottwaldov and Lodz (1945/47-1990) - Comparative Collective Biography

The production centre of film animation in Zlin/Gottwaldov had a specific tradition of its own. Itmakes it an ideal focus of a comparative research methodologically based on a collective monograph of a selected group of studio workers and comparing Gottwaldov with the Se-Ma-For studio in Lodz. In similarity to Gottwaldov, Lodz’s tradition of film production was cultivated outside of the administrative centre in Warsaw. This research opens the possibility to analyse the structure and intensity of the personal, material and institutional networks that formed these studios, to compare the two “peripheral” production milieus and their culturally, historically, industrially, as well as topographically specific dynamics. The comparison of Zlin with Lodz will allow to identify both the specific and the shared characteristics of the creative clusters formed and cultivated during the state-socialist era. The project will research on the important role of patronage and brokers, the efficiency of the transaction networks, and their influence on production quality.

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Cinematic Brno

Documentation of movie exhibition history and cinema-goers' preferences in Brno, 1918-1945


Student Cinema

Every semester, one student team carries out one project selected in an open competition and implemented in a real public functioning of cinema Scala


Cooperation on Projects

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We are the main coordinator of project
Creation and innovation of doctorate programmes in Theory and History of Arts and Culture co-financed by EU

The project includes the modernization of the Theory and History of Theater, Film and Audiovisual Culture, and Music Science and the emergence of the new program Digital Culture and Creative Industries.

The aim is to improve and make the interconnection of teaching, research and practice more effective, thus enhancing the employability of graduates in practice.

The need for the project is based both on the internal dynamics of the development of arts and crafts in the humanities and social sciences as well as on the dynamics of the development of the cultural and creative industries with their growing cultural, economic and social role.

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