Harmonogram pohovorů do NMgr studia s nástupem od JS2025
27. ledna 2025 od 14:00 v C.318
3 years
Full - time
2.500 EUR/year
April 30th, 2022
Applications will open in March 2022
New media, film and theatre constitute the very core of the cultural and creative sphere. Understanding and researching them both as industries and as organized practices with their histories and current challenges is a key to the cultural sector in general.
Our undergraduate program provides you with an opportunity to study culture, media and performative arts in the enthralling context of Central Europe, with its heritage and vital surroundings Masaryk University, and the city of Brno itself, benefit from their history and location between Prague and Vienna, two of the most viable cultural hubs within the European continent. Our program draws on this rich heritage and fundamentally employs it within its foundation.
Our program offers a mix of opportunities for your professional growth, including applied research, the development of critical literacies, unique engagements with the processes of cultural production, and a comprehensive education in media studies. In a result, you will be prepared to pursue practical professional advancements and/or further study within graduate programmes in cultural studies and cultural anthropology, film and visual studies, media, or theatre studies.
27. ledna 2025 od 14:00 v C.318
Nedávno vyšla nová čtyřsetstránková publikace o historii zlínských filmových ateliérů s názvem Lidé–práce–animace a podtitulem Světy animovaného filmu na Kudlově. Autoři kvůli ní prozkoumali osm archivů i soukromé sbírky a provedli desítky rozhovorů s pamětníky.